- müthiş
Турецко-адыгский словарь. - Майкоп, Адыгейское книжное издательство.. ТIэшъу Ясин (Mehmet Yasin Celikkıran). 1991.
Турецко-адыгский словарь. - Майкоп, Адыгейское книжное издательство.. ТIэшъу Ясин (Mehmet Yasin Celikkıran). 1991.
Muthis — war nach Manetho der Sohn Nepherites I., der während des Jahres 393 v. Chr. gleichzeitig mit dem Usurpator Psammuthis an der Macht gewesen sein soll, bis der Herrschaftsantritt des Hakor die Thronfolgekämpfe beendete. Denkmäler von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Muthis — (a. Geogr.), Castell am östlichen Nilufer in Mittelägypten, zwischen Isin u. Autäopolis, worin eine römische Cohorte stationirt war … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
müthiş — sf., Ar. mudhiş 1) Korkuya düşüren, korkunç, dehşetli Müthiş bir fırtına çıktı. 2) Çok rahatsız eden, dayanılmaz Bu müthiş yokluğa, bu derin acıya tahammül edemiyordum. Y. K. Beyatlı 3) Şaşılacak kadar değişik Birdenbire kendinde müthiş bir… … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
Muthis — Mouthis Articles de la série Pharaon Classements alphabétique chronologique Dynasties 0 … Wikipédia en Français
MÜTHİŞ — (Bak: Müdhi … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
MÜDHİŞ — (Müthiş) Dehşet veren, korkutan.(...Arkadaş! O Zât ı mürşid nev i beşeri korkutmak için pek müdhiş hakikatlerden bahsediyor ve insanları tebşir için kalbleri cezb ve akılları celb eden mes elelerden haber veriyor. M.N … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
Liste der Biografien/Mun–Muz — Biografien: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hornebcha — Namen von Hornebcha Griechisch bei Manetho Muthis, Mutis Hornebcha (griechisch Muthis, Mutis) war der zweite altägyptische Pharao (König) der 29. Dynastie, der als Sohn des … Deutsch Wikipedia
393 BC — NOTOC EventsBy placeGreece* The Athenian general Conon and the Persian satrap Pharnabazus sail to mainland Greece, where they raid the coast of Laconia and seize the island of Cythera, where they leave a garrison and an Athenian governor. *… … Wikipedia
Twenty-ninth dynasty of Egypt — Nepherites I founded the Twenty ninth Dynasty of ancient Egypt (according to an account preserved in a papyrus in the Brooklyn Museum) by defeating Amyrtaeus in open battle, and later putting him to death at Memphis. Nepherites made his capital… … Wikipedia
Bicycle kick — A Bicycle kick or Scissor kick is a physical move made by throwing the body up into the air, making a shearing movement with the legs to get one leg in front of the other without holding on to the ground.[1] The move can either be done backwards… … Wikipedia